5 Stretching Exercises to Take a Break From Sitting

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Stretching Exercises, body stretching With the comfort of getting the maximum of our tasks done at our fingertip today, we are becoming lazier day by day to get up move, which is actually no less than a slow poison to our health.

Seated all day, our physical movements are almost becoming zero which is extremely bad for our joints as well as our overall health. We are so much getting attached to sitting be at work or home, that our neck, shoulders and mainly our back is paying for our immobility with chronic aches. Don't worry, we have curated some pretty simple stretches for your tightening muscles, sores and sprains, enough to keep them healthy and working for a long term, here are they;
1. Office Chair Back Stretch Office Chair Back Stretch If sitting all day at work is making your back hurt, try this chair exercise to give your back a good stretch. Sit with your back straight. Take your both hands behind the office chair and try to reach them. Once you have a good hold, arch your back and move your chest forward. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat. This will also open up your chest well and good. To avoid back damage from constant sitting, always use back support for your office chair if you don’t feel comfortable.
2. Hamstring Stretch Hamstring Stretch Stretching exercises for legs becomes extremely important if you are seated all day because or else your joints will become stiff and in no time you may develop Knee Osteoarthritis. A regular stretch of hamstrings can improve the range of motion of legs as well as prevent back pain, sciatica or other hip and back related problems from developing.

To perform the stretch, lay down on your back with both feet flat and your hips and lower back pressing into the floor. Slowly, lift your right leg up to the ceiling and grab behind your thigh, calf, or ankle depending on your flexibility using both your hands. Extend the leg as straight as possible, without locking out the knee. To increase the stretch, flex through the foot. Hold for 60 seconds and repeat with the other.
3. Hip Release Remedies to Treat Knee Pain, Hip Release Due to the sedentary lifestyle, hip flexors can become tight and painful with time. To release the tension, kneel on the floor and put your left leg forward at a 90° angle with your right foot in the same kneeling position. Gently, press your hips forward until you start feeling a stretch. Raise your right hand above your head for an added stretch. Hold for 10-15 seconds and then switch sides. Hip releases can also benefit those having lower back pain.
4. Neck Release A tight sore neck is common today due to staring at a computer for hours and crouching over the phone without a break. To release neck stress, sit with your back straight and relax your shoulders. Place your hands behind the back of the neck and clasp your fingers together tightly. Tuck your chin and roll your head forward until your chin meets your chest. Hold for 3-5 seconds and come back up. Repeat.
5. The One Arm Hug Your hands and shoulders are constantly resting on the laptop/phone whether at work/home. Lack of mobility in them can tighten up the muscles which can be loosened up by performing one of the best sitting exercises - one arm hug.

Sit straight. Take your right arm across your body and place it on the back of your left shoulder. To stretch a bit deeper, use your left arm to push back on the elbow of the right one. Feel this stretch on the outside of your arm and shoulder. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat.
Benefits of Stretching Stretching not only refreshes our body but can also revitalize our mind. It increases the blood flow to tight joints and muscles, making us feel energized throughout the day. It improves flexibility and range of motion of joints thus preventing from any kind of chronic pain to develop slowly, and with the use ofUltrasound therapy devices along with the above stretching exercises, the pain will become a thing of the past undoubtedly.
Health Tip Never sit continuously for hours. Keep changing your sitting position at the office/home, take a break. Move around if you can or stretch sitting on your chair itself to keep your joints healthy and strong.