Let us have a look at certain of its causes
1. Excessive kneeling Many housewives suffer from knee pain. In reality, they are the victims of inflammation of the bursa. Their front knee experiences swelling and pain. Sometimes that area turns red too. Major chores require kneeling and it causes pressure and friction among bursa and kneecap. Housewives usually don’t pay attention on their postures and time span involved, which leads to inflammation and in turn knee pain.
2. Wrong postures Usually a housewife is a pro at managing things and doing it all right for her family members but, when it comes to looking at her own body posture, she seems to be a bit not-interested. Conducting tedious tasks or even standing or seating in wrong postures can cause joint pain. Poor posture habits lead to osteoarthritis- due to heavy pressure on knees. Muscles and discs problems are also generally faced due to poor postures.
3. Sedentary lifestyle Having considered that many of the times, housewives run ultra-busy, and they hardly have time for themselves, it shall also be understood that, at times they also lead a sedentary lifestyle where, leisure has got place but exercise has no room. This causes joint pain.
Other causes include, stress, depression, unattended injuries and also regular wear and tear of muscles due to excessive movements.
Let us look at some solutions 1. Carefully conduct the chores Housewives consider their chores their primary duty and perform the same with sheer authority however, they should focus on their health too. Say for example don’t rush into things. Plan your schedule and work accordingly to avoid sudden jerks and pressures. Rest during or between the chores even for 5 minutes. Keep on shuffling your postures and in case of minor injuries or pain, consult the doctor.
2. Get involved in exercising and stretching If along with being a housewife, you are able to be an exercise enthusiast, then it would keep all joint problems at bay. If the rigid schedule of yours doesn’t permit that, then try stretching. Stretch before starting your chores, during your chores and after getting done with them too. Yoga can also be of great help here.
3. Food and weight mechanism Having a healthy diet is a must for all, including housewives. Having nutritious meals and snacks that can improve bone density and joint strength is advisable. Besides, housewives can easily gain weight due to their sedentary lifestyle. This shall not happen as heavy weight invites lot many joint problems.
4. Physiotherapy In case of extreme pain, it is advisable to go for physiotherapy treatment that assures drug-free and Natural pain relief.