Onset of winter is greeted by many but; at times the temperature drop affects our body negatively. Low temperature usually causes joint stiffness, soreness in joints or inflammation. This makes our joints less flexible and in turn we experience pain or it can also lead to a major injury. To prevent such conditions, we have got 5 most useful tips. Have a look.
1. Eat good food 
Befriend food that is rich in Omega-3, Vitamin K and Vitamin C. Omega-3 rich foods like, Salmon and nuts can keep a control on inflammation. Food items like green leafy vegetables that are rich in terms of Vitamin K can bring relief from pain. Fruits that are packed with Vitamin C can bring comfort to the damaged cartilage. Apart from that, Yogurt, herbs and spices can also be of great help. However, say no to saturated fat, trans fats, omega 6 fatty acids, refined carbohydrate and MSG.
2. Dress well 
Winter demands you to be overdressed. Surely not in literal terms but you have to layer up. Wear warm clothes to avoid skin exposure to cold weather. If you are planning to stay out in winter for long, wearing warm clothes becomes altogether more necessary. Gloves, caps, knee caps, socks everything and anything that make you feel warm and comfortable should be worn.
3. Get going with exercise 
Early cold mornings do not let you get of the bed but; this luxury can be harmful. Working out in winters is really helpful for preventing joint pains. Well if you are not a gym freak then mild stretching and exercising can be of great help. Something as easy as walking and running can also do. Make it a point to be out in sun for at least 10 to 15 minutes a day. But make sure that you do not exercise without warming up. You can also cater the issue by being conscious about regular activities, like take stairs instead of elevators or escalators for limited storeys. You should also take care of your posture. Wrong postures can elevate pain.
4. Stay hydrated 
Low temperature causes stiffness of joints and that further leads to pain. To avoid muscle friction, drink lot of water. It will keep you energized and would help in increasing your stamina to exercise better. Studies have proved that even mild dehydration can bring you pain sensations.
5. Lose weight 
It might sound a bit abrupt but it’s true. People who are overweight face extreme joint pain in winter. So it is advisable to lose weight during winter by eating right kind of food and exercising in order to
avoid joint pain . Excessive weight can cause more pressure to the muscles and joints and in turn it leads to threatening diseases.
General tips:
1. If possible preheat your room and car
2. Do not take mild pain or minor injuries lightly
3. Don’t shower in cold water
4. Avoid over exertion
5. Don’t let lethargic attitude creep in