1. The first thing everybody experiences while exercising is increased heart beat and pulse rate and it is because when you work out, you muscle need more oxygen so your breathing becomes faster. Basically, your cardio-respiratory system starts functioning at a higher speed while on the other hand your digestive system slows down. Blood supply to brain also increases and you become more alert and focused.
2. Your muscles get contracted while you exercise. The glucose and sugar your body has stored from the food you eat get used up while you exercise and give energy to you throughout your regime. Our body also uses ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and if it is out of stock, it will need more of oxygen to create ATP. Your muscles also experience minor tear while working out, which help them grow and become stronger. It also helps in the healing process in the longer run. At times, people also experience muscle soreness post working out. It is because the muscles that are usually habituated to rest are brought to function in a form of a rigorous routine. It is pretty normal in the beginning and once your muscles get used to with the routine, the pain too decreases.
3. Since your body needs more oxygenated blood while you exercise, the heart has to pump more blood and work at a faster pace. The heart beat can go from 60-100 beats per minute to nearly 200 beats per minute. This strengthens your heart muscles and also helps in controlling blood pressure as it creates new blood vessels.
4. If the blood flow affects the heart, it then definitely affects the kidneys as well. The rate at which, kidneys filter blood also increases and so after working out, your kidneys filter more of protein and keep you hydrated.
5. Another common phenomenon that all exercise-savvy people would have noticed is that there is a rise in the body temperature. And soon after the session, your body temperature starts cooling down. So blood vessels in the skin dilate which helps your skin to be healthier and clearer.
6. Your joints too get affected through regular exercising. Exercising puts more weight on your joint and this makes the cartilage more flexible. Besides, the fluid present in the joints flow more smoothly and makes the joints more flexible.
Apart from these changes, you also experience boost in confidence and self-esteem. Your sleep quality also improves. Your brain releases more of endorphins which can lift your mood.