Sports is one of the major ankle pain reasons that lead to ankle sprains and injuries. Sprained ankles alone have been estimated to constitute up to30% of injuries seen in sports medicine clinics. Running, football, tennis or even walking at times recurring ankle pain cause which needs extreme care and attention. But, just because our ankle joint is prone to get hurt doesn't mean we must stop doing what we love, right? Hence, here are some preventive measures following which, you can avoid any such ankle tragedies. Take a look.
Warm your ankle up - Don't just get started with any exercise or sports directly. Stretch and jog a little to warm up your ankle muscles and start slowly.
Ditch those heels - Ladies, those high heels or stilettos you like to flaunt can give you pain in ankle a lifetime pain. Due to the lack of stability on those spiked heels, you may even break an ankle bone. Better, wear shoes with a wide, low, flared heel or lateral post shoes, like running sneakers. If you really can’t let go heels, make sure you buy one no higher than 1-½ inches.

Avoid uneven surfaces - Cobblestone pathways, bumpy hillsides with loose gravel, shifting sand etc., can roll your ankle badly. Walking or running on such uneven surfaces in spite of wearing protective shoes can cause of ankle pain.
For ankle pain relief, work on your ankles slowly - Don't put pressure on your ankle muscles all of a sudden. The time spent on the activity like a gym, ankle pain exercises or any sports count should be increased gradually over a period of weeks to build the strength and mobility of your ankle.
Shed those extra kilos - Being overweight can put extra pressure on your ankle joints which can increase the progression of arthritis as well. Hence, maintain a healthy weight and keep your ankles strong and flexible.

Watch while you sit - Yes, your sitting position can also trigger ankle pain. If you have the habit of sitting with your feet crossed behind you and pointed down, please avoid that because it puts pressure on your toes that can lead to ankle stiffness and soreness. Better, sit at a desk and keep your feet flat.
In a nutshell Listen to your body. If your ankle joint is hurting while doing any activity like walking, running, simply stop doing it at once or modify it. Keep yourelectrotherapy machine-likeSONICTENS orUS 111 device handy to relieve any kind of sudden ankle pain relief without injury or with injury at the very moment.