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Turmeric – Sure shot healer across knee arthritis

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Knee arthritis is such a disorder that is typified by enlarged and aching joints. It shows up by the indications like lethargy, the rigidity of the joints, muscle throbs, immovability and a shortage of elasticity in the muscles. Basically, a few kinds of arthritis are osteoarthritis, infectious arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

But, to heal these severe conditions of arthritis, turmeric- a culinary Indian spice from your kitchen comes to the rescue. Turmeric has an effective component in it known as curcumin.
  • The components curcumin and curcuminoids that are discovered in turmeric function as a superb cure for arthritis as they regulate and avoid the severe pain and soreness.
  • It does not have any reactions. It looks after the joints while it also protects its synovial liquid (lubrication). It also lessens the pain.
  • Curcumin present in turmeric is known to have bone-protective Researchers and studies on cells from arthritis patients show that curcumin add-ons stop dilapidation and harm the bone flesh.
  • Turmeric cooperates with the genetic factor to ease arthritis.
  • Turmeric- a magical medicine fights against infection, thus preventing the growing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It amazingly increases the effects of the antibiotics and creates possibilities of favoring lessening sepsis in arthritis.
  • Turmeric extracts and curcumin mutually outperform the painkillers and other normal medicines suggested taking care for arthritis. The best part is it does not have any side-effects like the usual medicines cause and suggestively are the adjuvant remedy.
  • Turmeric has the ability to effectively diminish the side-effects of the anti-arthritis medicines like the improper functioning of the kidneys, lessened cardiovascular dangers and averts the causing of losing the weight in rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Turmeric powder can be taken orally or made into a paste mixed with olive oil and coconut oil, any one oil slightly warmed and applied topically has a curative influence and lessens the pain collectively. This paste can be spread on the affected joints and be left for 30min – 1hour and shielded with gauze and dressing. This paste can be applied 2-3 times a day.
  • Turmeric has numerous medicinal factors that are advantageous in almost every type of arthritis. Most significant advantages are the antioxidant properties and being inflammatory. Also, it has anti-depressant, autoimmune and natural pain-relieving factors.
  • Turmeric prevents the procedure of chemotherapy in arthritis. Turmeric also aids in lessening the indications and stops the progress of arthritis.

Precautions about Turmeric

  • Turmeric is safe if taken in normal dosage. It is suggested to use up to 1 teaspoon good quality turmeric powder in everyday cooking. Doses of up to 8g are considered safe but higher doses may result in gastric side effects.
  • You can make turmeric milk, turmeric tea, the whole turmeric is best in the case of arthritis. Also, fresh turmeric roots can be grated and added to different types of salads.
  • The reason turmeric being high on oxalates is advised to avoid in the circumstances of gout or if you have greater chances of developing kidney stones and instead opt for curcumin supplements.
  • Turmeric add-ons must be prevented during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Turmeric is safe for children and can be used as a balancing help in curing child arthritis.

Side-effects of turmeric

Greater doses of turmeric may result in a minor, inflamed reaction or sensitivity to turmeric especially after skin contact. Other reactions include loose motions, motion-sickness and severe menstrual flow, greater chances of bleeding, higher liver function tests, low blood pressure, uterine cramps in pregnant women and hyperactive gallbladder cramps.