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Arthritis – A disheartening knee problem in India

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Osteoarthritis is an alarming knee problem in India with the country having the second-largest osteoarthritis patients in the world. Sometimes just think, what’s wrong with your bones? According to Mudit Khanna, Consultant Orthopedics at Wockhardt Hospital, in the previous years, Indians in the age-group of 30-50 years are falling over to osteoarthritis, still, it carries on to severe influence on the survival of the old aged people. This disease cause full immobility of the knee. If the pain is not taken care of by exercises or medicines, a person may be disabled in the future. So doctors recommend undergoing surgery.

Osteoarthritis arises when there’s a loss in and all over the joints which the body isn’t capable to completely heal. Basically, it is the process in which the wearing and tearing of the defending nerve at the last part of the tendon happens slowly and goes downhill over the course of time. Women are more likely to osteoarthritis because of weakened bones and weight issues.

Even though India is one of the best young at heart countries in a rapid-aged ecosphere, there is a rise also in the ratio of old aged individuals. There is one old aged person in each 12 people in India. With this also arises the increase in the patients of DJD- Degenerative Joint Disease or Osteoarthritis occurred by the swelling, collapse and ultimate injury of the tendon of the joints. DJD may perhaps be an infection of elderly people but it even upsets the youngsters. According to orthopedic surgeon and sports injury specialist, Dr. DilipNadkarni of Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai, the main reasons cricketers of India miss so many matches are a the extreme use of muscles, exhaustion and lack of fluid intake because of perspiring a lot for the spirited sport, they are liable to injury. Another reason is being overweight puts an extra burden on bones and joints causing a person more vulnerable to osteoarthritis.

Another kind of Arthritis known as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune ailment where the body strikes itself steering to swelling and joint damage which also effects painfully on the holding of a glass. Rheumatoid Arthritis is activated from viral or bacterial infections, smoking, and contact of some types of dust or fibers. Research shows that ordinary form of Rheumatoid Arthritis begins in the lungs. The difficulties of RA are diabetes, high blood pressure, untimely heart disease, early death and musculoskeletal pain all of which are difficult to take care of. It particularly comes in the young age group 20-40 years and even in children 15 years or below and upsets numerous joints.

For the unbearable, chronic pain people usually use painkillers. The market for painkillers is increasing day by day for the chronic lower back, headaches, and arthritis prevents 30% of the Indians from enjoying their life, according to the figures collected by the Delhi Pain Management Centre.

The treatment such as replacing joints particularly complete joint replacement surgery is commonly done. High-tech, cementless implants, using a patient’s natural tissue growth is also used in joint resurfacing techniques. Another new and painless visco-supplementation process is done where a liquid is injected into the joint for short-term support, particularly for treating the pain related to knee osteoarthritis. Also available are intra-articular hyaluronic acid and other injectable medicines.

Physicians and specialists are now researching and working on the new therapeutics of certain solid medications for these diseases made in India at a lower cost.

Another safest remedy to heal these diseases is yoga and another mild remedy is the herbal one- turmeric for swelling and infection in arthritis.