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Proven Home Remedies for Menstrual Cramps and Period Pain

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home remedies for period pain There is no ignoring the fact that periods can be painful. Women frequently experience discomfort and suffering while menstruating. However, the intensity of the pain can differ. Some people have a dull, faint pain, but for others it is intolerable. The uterus constricts during a period to force the lining away from the uterine wall and enable it to leave the body through the vagina. These contractions may hurt or be uncomfortable. They're commonly referred to as cramps. The majority of women who are menstruating suffer lower abdominal cramps, though the pain can also spread to the lower back, groin, or upper thighs. Menstrual cramps typically worsen at the start of a period and become better during the next few days.

Signs and symptoms of menstrual cramp

The symptoms that most women feel as their period date approaches are common. These mood swings, behavioral changes, and physical pain are together referred to as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and can start up to 10 days before a period.

Physical symptoms

  • Abdominal pain and bloating
  • Tender breasts
  • Headaches
  • Swelling of the hands or feet
  • Nausea and weight gain
  • Pain in the joints or back can also occur before a period begins.
  • Painful cramps are also an indication that menstrual bleeding is soon approaching

Behavioral changes

  • A woman can experience increased agitation, apprehension, or edginess.
  • Some women might also be more prone to emotional reactions like crying, low self-esteem, rage, or mood swings.
  • Poor focus, forgetfulness, or even loneliness.
  • There can be a decline in sexual interest and desire during this time.
  • Women may develop a stronger appetite and develop cravings for certain foods before the start of their menstrual cycle.
  • You tend to feel more exhausted than normal, which could potentially disrupt your sleep.

Proven home remedies you should aware of

You can use a variety of home remedies for menstrual cramps if you have them every month. Drinking water regularly will keep you hydrated and reduce bloating. That's not all, though. Here are 10 home remedies to help you experience pain-free periods:

Yoga poses to ease menstrual pain

Regular yoga practice can definitely alleviate cramps, whether it's due to the relaxing effects of the poses or the stretching of your muscles. Researchers conducted a study that was published in September 2016 in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. They found that 20 undergraduate students who participated in an hour-long yoga program once a week for three months experienced less menstrual cramping and period distress than 20 women who did not. Yoga was determined to have advantages in the Journal of Physiotherapy study that approved heating pads. You can practice either during or in between periods, but some teachers advice preventing inverted positions (like a shoulder stand) while a woman is experiencing her period to prevent disruption of the natural flow.

Heat pads for menstrual cramps

Tight muscles and inadequate circulation, which limit oxygen flow, are the causes of cramps. A heating pad aids in promoting blood flow, improving circulation, and supplying your abdominal muscles with the oxygen they so desperately require. Heating pads work as a natural pain reliever by assisting in muscular relaxation. And you can use heating pads at home anytime you're in pain, making them a very convenient kind of heat therapy. According to a study published in Scientific Reports, heat therapy works better than analgesic medications to relieve period cramps. But you don't have to rely solely on heating pads to combat period pain.

Herbal tea varieties to calm cramping

Herbal tea varieties to calm cramping Despite the paucity of research on the topic, menstruation women have long utilized tea as a pain reliever in many cultures. Because they are comforting to the body, chamomile and peppermint teas are frequently advised for the menstruation pain. Other teas linked to dysmenorrhea include those brewed from fennel, ginger, or cramp bark. Some ladies use tea to help naturally ease their cramps rather than over-the-counter drugs. According to some studies, several teas can help with menstrual cramps, bloating, and other period-related pain. But altogether, the data is not that strong.

Massaging with essential oils

A 20-minute massage can be beneficial. The hands of the massage therapist go over your abdomen, side, and back while you press particular points as you go through your menstrual cycle. For an aromatherapy-style massage, using essential oils may have further advantages. Your essential oil should always be diluted with carrier oil. Vegetable or nut oils, such as grapeseed or sweet almond oil, are examples. One drop of essential oil per teaspoon of carrier oil is a safe concentration.

Avoiding certain foods

It's a good idea to stay away from meals that induce bloating and water retention during menstruating. Some of the worst offenders are:
  • A fatty diet
  • Carbonated alcoholic beverages
  • Salty meals with caffeine
Cramping relief and tension reduction can be achieved by reducing or eliminating certain foods. Instead, try calming (caffeine-free) ginger or mint teas or hot water with lemon flavoring. Snack on fruits like strawberries or raspberries if you need a sugar fix.

Decaf coffee to improve period pain

Your blood vessels narrow as a result of caffeine. Your uterus may become constricted as a result, of worsening cramps. During your menstruation, switch to decaf if you must have coffee. If you depend on caffeine to get you through the afternoon slump, try eating a protein-rich snack or going for a fast 10-minute walk to get some energy.

Dietary supplements to help with menstrual symptoms

Your body can absorb calcium and experience less inflammation with vitamin D. Other supplements, such as omega-3, vitamin E, and magnesium may even lessen the discomfort of your period by reducing inflammation. Take vitamins on a daily basis, not only when you're on your period, for optimal benefits. Additionally, before taking anything new, be careful to see your doctor because certain supplements conflict with prescriptions.

Foods that relieve period pain

Making certain dietary modifications can also help to lessen the agony of this awful time of the month and soothe your period cramps.

Fennel seeds

By aiding in the hormonal balance of women, fennel decreases the cramps and pain related to premenstrual syndrome and menstruation. Additionally, it is a natural diuretic and digestive aid that helps lessen bloating and water retention.


The most frequent problem experienced by women is cramps, which can be relieved thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic characteristics of cinnamon. The spice is beneficial for digestion and blood sugar regulation because it also contains calcium, manganese, and iron.


This contains omega-3 fatty acids that have been found to be helpful in reducing PMS symptoms like depression, anxiety, bloating, breast tenderness, and headaches. In addition, they contain lignans that block excess estrogen and balance hormone metabolism.

Moi by UltraCare Pro- A safe & natural way to relieve period pain

Period pain reliever, Moi is a combination of heat & TENS therapy which works as a dual action agent to relieve dysmenorrhea and period pains. Soothing electric pulses of TENS activate the natural pain control response, releasing beta-endorphins that ease the pain and heat temperature relaxes abdominal muscles, and uterine contraction, and increases blood flow to ease the pain.  Moi is drug-free, non-invasive with zero side effects & safe alternative to painkillers which is made with skin-friendly silicone to avoid irritation to the skin

What makes Moi different?

  • Wireless & wearable
  • Comfortable & skin-friendly
  • Made for all body sizes
  • Easy to use 
  • Rechargeable battery
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