A study to find the after-effects of knee replacement surgery showed that a significant proportion of10% to 34% of people have painful joints or experience an unfavorable pain outcome after knee replacement. Apart from this blood clots, infection, and swelling are other complications that may follow. The success rate of knee replacement surgery is though good, unfortunately, the joy may not last forever.

There are manyrisks and complications associated with Total Knee Replacement Surgery and is performed when the knee joint is completely worn out. But then, this type of invasive technique of removing the damaged cartilage and shaping the bones with an artificial implant made of metal, plastic, and other synthetic materials can develop persistent pain around the newly replaced joint after a few weeks.
Sadly, many patients never experience the return to full mobility as expected after replacement surgery. One of the reasons for it is the Patellofemoral (kneecap) problem which is a common cause of knee replacement pain. After an implant, significant forces are required to be applied to the kneecap, even with normal activities, such as getting up from a chair or walking down the stairs which elevates the pain to a great extent.
Improper alignment is also said to be yet another reason for developing chronic pain after knee replacement. What happens is a lot of patients focus on the implant brand or type and even spend quite a load of the amount behind it. But, no matter what or how costly the brand and hospital you choose, a poorly aligned implant may not function well and the pain will arise without a doubt. And to align it right, another surgery may be required.
It is not that for chronic knee pain or a worn-out knee, replacement surgery is the only solution. There are a number of affordable and easy natural knee pain remedies available that one can seek the help of and which have proven their success as well as thephysiotherapy exercises for knee pain , using knee supports and electrotherapy. Theultrasound & TENS unit of which is considered as the best and effective knee pain treatment options at home that can bring down the chronic knee pain to acute to almost zero without any harmful effects.
In some cases, the chronic pain that one feels after the knee replacement surgery, may not be due to the knee. Multiple things in the spine,hip and around the knee can also cause knee pain. If they are the origins, then you must treat them immediately instead of focusing your knee joint only.
Final Thoughts Knee replacement surgery is indeed successful and has helped a lot of patience in getting back on their knees but, it is not a solution to opt for as soon as you feel chronic pain in your knees when there are other safe and effective knee pain treatment options available.